
More about Breast Lifts

As the breasts age the tissues sag. In some cases, mild sagging and loss of fullness can be corrected with an implant alone. However, for women who want their breasts lifted, without adding extra volume, or for women who need a great deal of lift, undergoing a breast lift procedure (mastopexy) is a good option.

There are a variety of techniques and incisions when it comes to breast lifting that we can discuss. We will review the best options in your case, for you to choose from. In a breast lift procedure the nipple and areola size and shape can be adjusted too. Repositioning a drooping nipple and narrowing a widened areola can give the breast a much more youthful appearance.

In cases where a lift and extra volume is needed, fat grafting or implant placement can be performed at a second stage (or in some cases simultaneously) to provide the patient with the optimal breast shape and size. For patients having breast implants removed, our mastopexy technique will focus on saving as much of your skin and breast tissue as possible to leave you with shapely, perky breasts. In patients who are candidates, we are excited to offer our special smaller-scar maximum lift technique. Combined with our very thorough 360° liposuction this will dramatically enhance your body shape!

Breast Lift Recovery

After the operating room, you will be taken to a recovery area to be cared for. You will go home the same day or recover in a hotel if you have traveled in from out of town. You will have a supportive non-wire bra and perhaps other supportive dressings.

We offer less traumatic techniques and long-acting numbing medication to help you have a rapid recovery. We let you shower starting the next day, and most patients can return to work 48 hours after surgery. Some swelling is expected and as each side can swell differently, minor asymmetries may come and go until they are fully healed.

Antibiotics are generally given on the day of surgery and in cases with implants they may be beneficial to take after surgery as well. We find that most of our patients do not need opioids after surgery and do well with Tylenol and non-drowsy pain medications.. After surgery, you may have minor bruising and soreness for several days.

Regular walking is encouraged to prevent blood clots, starting the morning after surgery. It is common to restrict your return to high-impact exercises like running and jumping or aggressive yoga in order to prevent unnecessary pull on your incisions if need be. You will receive after-care instructions before and after your surgery and have plenty of time to ask questions.

We generally like to check on you in person in the week after surgery. We will schedule additional visits to check on your healing progress, which can be done virtually if you live out of town. Healing takes time and your breast shape can take several weeks to reach the intended appearance.

When you are ready to take the next step, please contact us online using our confidential form or call / text 415-523-5235 to schedule a consultation.

Flying in For Surgery

If you’re flying in from out of town to see Dr. Pourtaheri, Team BAE will arrange the process to make it as easy as possible for you.

Breast Lift
Service Type
Breast Lift
Provider Name
Dr. Navid Pourtaheri,
San Francisco Bay Area
San Francisco breast lift patients trust the team at Bay Area Esthetics to achieve beautiful, perky breasts.


Contact B.A.E for more information or to schedule a consultation.
Your information will be kept confidential.

Breast Lift
Service Type
Breast Lift
Provider Name
Dr. Navid Pourtaheri,
San Francisco Bay Area
San Francisco breast lift patients trust the team at Bay Area Esthetics to achieve beautiful, perky breasts.
Breast Lift
Service Type
Breast Lift
Provider Name
Dr. Navid Pourtaheri,
San Francisco Bay Area
San Francisco breast lift patients trust the team at Bay Area Esthetics to achieve beautiful, perky breasts.