
Common Procedures after Weight Loss

Body Lift

A circumferential body lift or belt lipectomy can be performed to tighten the skin all the way around your waist and/or lift the outer thighs and buttocks. This procedure also may be known as an extended tummy tuck, since the common incision on the lower abdomen is extended past the hips in order to lift and tighten the entire midsection.


We can combine liposuction with skin excision to remove both excess skin and fat tissue that remains even after you have achieved a healthy weight. Liposuction may be performed almost anywhere on the body or face/neck depending on where you need the most sculpting.

Breast Enhancement

In massive weight-loss patients, a breast lift can be combined with a chest recontouring procedure to tighten the skin around the armpits and upper back as well. We can also place breast implants to make up for the lost breast volume that many women experience after significant weight loss.

Thigh Lift

As the thigh tissues age and sag, removing skin to slim and tighten the thighs can provide a toned look. In some cases, a short scar technique is enough, whereas in more severe cases, a longer incision can be used to tighten the entire thigh and groin area as well. There are a variety of techniques and incisions when it comes to thigh lifting that we can discuss. We will review the best options in your case, for you to choose from. Combined with our very thorough liposuction, a thigh lift can dramatically enhance your thigh shape and prevent chafing altogether!

Arm Lift

Women tend to store fat in their arms more than men do, and over time the skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag and hang. In younger patients your skin contracts better and liposuction alone can thin / tone the arms enough. However, in patients who have lost a significant amount of weight, or developed loose skin over time, we provide excisional procedures to restore the arm contours and tighten the skin.

In some cases, a short scar technique is enough, whereas in more severe cases, a longer incision can be used to tighten the entire arm and armpit area as well. There are a variety of techniques and incisions when it comes to arm lifting that we can discuss. We will review the best options in your case, for you to choose from.

Facelift / Neck Lift

In patients who have achieved massive weight loss, excess skin can result in premature aging of the face and neck region. A facelift and/or neck lift performed with special attention to these sagging areas will help restore a youthful and balanced appearance that compliments your new weight.

Recovery after Post-Weight Loss Surgery

After the operating room, you will be taken to a recovery area to be cared for. You may go home the same day or recover in the hospital if you have extensive work done. You will have a supportive garment and perhaps other supportive dressings. We may offer longer-acting numbing medication to help speed up your recovery. We let you start showering the next day and most patients can return to work 1-2 weeks after surgery.

Antibiotics are generally given on the day of surgery and are given after surgery in some patients. We find that many of our patients do not need opioids after surgery and do well with Tylenol and non-drowsy pain medications. After surgery, you will have bruising and soreness for several days. Regular walking is encouraged to prevent blood clots, starting the morning after surgery. It can help to limit strenuous exercise or high-impact activities for 1 to 2 weeks.

We generally like to check on you in person the week after surgery. We will schedule additional visits to check on your healing progress, which can be done virtually if you live out of town. Healing takes time and your body shape will continue to improve over the next several months as you wear your compression garments. You will receive after-care instructions before and after your surgery and have plenty of time to ask questions.

When you are ready to take the next step, please contact us online using our confidential form or call / text 415-523-5235 to schedule a consultation.

Flying in For Surgery

If you’re flying in from out of town to see Dr. Pourtaheri, Team BAE will arrange the process to make it as easy as possible for you.

Body Contouring After Weight Loss
Service Type
Body Contouring After Weight Loss
Provider Name
Dr. Navid Pourtaheri | Dr. Melissa Mueller,
San Francisco Bay Area
After achieving significant weight loss, trust our San Francisco plastic surgeons to lift and tighten your face, neck, breasts, body, arms, and legs.


Contact B.A.E for more information or to schedule a consultation.
Your information will be kept confidential.

Body Contouring After Weight Loss
Service Type
Body Contouring After Weight Loss
Provider Name
Dr. Navid Pourtaheri | Dr. Melissa Mueller,
San Francisco Bay Area
After achieving significant weight loss, trust our San Francisco plastic surgeons to lift and tighten your face, neck, breasts, body, arms, and legs.
Body Contouring After Weight Loss
Service Type
Body Contouring After Weight Loss
Provider Name
Dr. Navid Pourtaheri | Dr. Melissa Mueller,
San Francisco Bay Area
After achieving significant weight loss, trust our San Francisco plastic surgeons to lift and tighten your face, neck, breasts, body, arms, and legs.